Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z listą sympozjów zaplanowanych na Konferencję w Toruniu i namawiamy do zgłaszani abstraktów prezentacji plakatowych.
Przypominamy autorom abstraktów o możliwości ubiegania się o Nagrodę dla Młodego Badacza oraz informujemy, że autorzy najciekawszych zgłoszeń zostaną zaproszeni na sesję “Flash Talks”.
Tematy sympozjów:
- Molecular biology of autism spectrum disorders.
- Neuronal mechanisms underlying social behaviors.
- Neural and real-life correlates of social interactions.
- Altered brain rhythms, psychoactive compounds and models of psychiatric disease.
- Electrophysiological correlates of the altered states of consciousness.
- mTOR in physiology and pathology of the nervous system.
- Regulation of Brain Metabolism and Neural Networks by Astrocytes.
- In sickness and in health: the role of astrocytes in the brain function.
- The multifaceted roles of CNS glia: from tumours to neurodegeneration.
- Clock ticking in health and disease.
- From Retina to Cortex: Processing of the visual information in healthy and diseased conditions.
- Understanding the Blind Brain.
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning and other approaches to modern research techniques in neurobiological research.
- Advances in neuromodulation – spinal motoneurons and beyond.
- The advanced methods of EEG signal processing in clinical neuropsychology.