The seat of the Society is located at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Pasteura 3, 02-093 Warsaw. Organizational structure of the Society is comprised of the General Assembly of the Members and the Executive Committee.
The members set the following objectives of the Society:
- to organize and support development of research and scientific studies on the nervous system;
- to bring together scientists engaged in neurobiological, neuropsychological and neuroinformatics studies;
- to disseminate knowledge about the nervous system and scientific achievements in this field, by popularizing, educational and publishing activities;
- to represent Polish neurobiological community in the country and abroad.
The main forms of PNS activity include organizing:
- International Congresses of the Society (biennially since 1995).
- Spring Schools of PNS;
- Annual neurochemical conferences;
- Popular science lectures during annual Brain Awareness Weeks (since 1998) in cooperation with the international organization DANA and the weekly newsmagazine „Polityka”.
PNS initiates and supports organization of numerous scientific meetings, symposia, conferences and sessions, focused on different subjects related to neurobiology. Training sessions organized till now concentrated on:
- molecular bases of addiction,
- mechanisms of learning and memory,
- plasticity of the nervous system,
- cytokines and the brain,
- sensory and motor systems,
- neurogenesis and development,
- neuroimmunology of the brain,
- neurodegeneration,
- pain,
- neuropsychology,
- cortical integrative mechanisms,
- neuroinformatics.
Popularizing activity of PNS involves the organization of open annual events during the Brain Awareness Weeks: lectures, discussions, workshops and brain knowledge contests for high school and university students.