- Brain Innovation DaysThe 4th edition of the Brain Innovation Days, organised by the European Brain Council, will take place on 13-14 November 2024 in Brussels, Belgium. The aim of the event is… Continue reading Brain Innovation Days
- 12 th Aspects of NeuroscienceTogether with Aspects of Neuroscience and the Neuroinformatics Student Association, we would like to extenda very warm invitation to all interested parties to the 12th… Continue reading 12 th Aspects of Neuroscience
- 17th International Conference of the Society of Neuroscientists of Africa.https://sona2025.uca.ma Dear colleagues, On behalf of the organizing committee, I am delighted to extend an invitation to participate in the upcoming 17th International Conference of the Society… Continue reading 17th International Conference of the Society of Neuroscientists of Africa.
Polish neuroscience

Neuroscience is one of the fastest developing fields of life sciences. Its main goal is to understand bases of functioning of the brain and the remaining components of the nervous system, to grasp processes underlying psychic phenomena and behavior and to explain origin of mental and neurodegenerative diseases.
Our activity

Polish Neuroscience Society brings together neuroscientists, is involved in dissemination of knowledge on the nervous system and progress made in neuroscience, is engaged in popularization of neuroscience, organization of training courses, publication of related materials and represents Polish community of neuroscientists both in Poland and abroad.

The Brain Awareness Week is an annual educational event aimed to disseminate knowledge about the brain and nervous system and its functioning in health and pathology. Its mission is to build awareness in the society on the significance of brain research.
History of Polish neuroscience

Liliana Lubińska
A reader who is for some reason interested in the biography of a scientist would want to know where and when he was born and how it happened that he became a scientist. To satisfy this curiosity, I shall mention that I was born on December 1, 1903, in Łódź, an industrial Polish city…
~ Jerzy Konorski, Autobiography