The Japan Neuroscience (JNS) extended the call for nominations for the 6th (2022) Joseph Altman Award for up-and-coming researchers who have made remarkable achievements in the field of developmental neuroscience. New nomination deadline 09/02/2022. DETAILS in LINK JNS contact for further clarification:
Call for students for Bordeaux Summer School
Bordeaux Summer School: Introduction to experimental neuroscience, 18-30.07.2022. Application deadline 6.04.2022. This summer school offers participants the unique opportunity to discover methods and concepts in neuroscience research through hands-on training within the premises of the Bordeaux School of Neuroscience. Graduate and doctoral students from various disciplines will follow case-based teaching by taking part in mini-projects… Continue reading Call for students for Bordeaux Summer School
Call for instructors for Bordeaux summer school
Within the framework of the Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program and Bordeaux Summer Schools, the University of Bordeaux is pleased to announce its call for instructors for the “Introduction to experimental neuroscience” workshop, taking place at the Bordeaux School of Neuroscience from July 18th to 30th, 2022. The purpose of this workshop is to share a passion for neuroscience, favor interdisciplinarity and encourage scientific discussions between students and… Continue reading Call for instructors for Bordeaux summer school