Coming conferences

LNA 2021 | November 26th 2021 | on-line. XIII International Conference of the Lithuanian Neuroscience Association. See details. Aspects of Neuroscience 2021 | November 26-28 | Faculty of Physics (5, Pasteur str 5) / on-line. Details: Neurons in Action 2021 | November 29th – December 1st 2021 | Nencki Institute, Warsaw (3, Pasteur str) / on-line. Details:

Neuromania Conference 2021

We would like to invite everyone to take part in this year’s edition of the Neuromania Conference.The event will be held on the 20-21st of November and will be entirely online. Guests will includeIrene Pepperberg, Don L. F. Nilsen, Daniel L. Everett, Marianna Bolognesi, Valentina Cuccio, andmore. The conference will be focusing on topics related… Continue reading Neuromania Conference 2021

Polish Neuro-Publications Promotion

Dear PTBUN Members, In our Facebook and Twitter pages, we would like to promote interesting neuroscience research from Poland. Please do not hesitate to send messages about YOUR publications that have been accepted in journals with IF>5 to: secretary[at] The criterion is not perfect, but it gives a reasonable number of papers. We also encourage… Continue reading Polish Neuro-Publications Promotion