Symposium “Too complex to understand? Bridging neuroscience and philosophy to build new tools to study the brain.”

On the occasion of the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna, we are organzing a Satellite Symposium “Too complex to understand? Bridging neuroscience and philosophy to build new tools to study the brain.” When: 24 June 2024 3:00 PM, CEST Where: Sky Lounge, University of Vienna, Oskar-Morgensstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna The Satellite Symposium ventures into the intersection between neuroscience and philosophy with… Continue reading Symposium “Too complex to understand? Bridging neuroscience and philosophy to build new tools to study the brain.”

Optics and Microscopy Workshop 2024

We are happy to announce the third edition of our Optics and Microscopy Workshop! This time we will meet in one of Poland’s most beautiful places – Biebrza marshes! The workshop will be a thorough, hands–on introduction to optics and microscopy. With our instructor, Fred Marbach from Crick Institute, we will start from absolute basics – photons, ray diagrams, and lenses; and then move… Continue reading Optics and Microscopy Workshop 2024

Travel grants to attend the FENS Forum 2024

Executive Committee of PNS has decided to award up to 5 travel grants worth 500 EURO each, intended for young scientists to cover the costs of participation in the upcoming FENS Forum 2024. Applications can be submitted until February 21, 2024, to the following address e-mail: Rules and regulations: